
Drug Use in Teenagers

Teenagers vs. drugs

Drug use is rampant today, with over 20 million Americans suffering from a Substance Abuse Disorder. This degenerative disease prevents users from modulating their intake of the drug, despite the overwhelming disadvantages it may pose to their health and social lives. Long-term drug use is tied to changes in our brain’s reward pathways and its response to dopamine, leading to users having difficulty with their decision-making faculties and their ability to control their inhibitions.

Despite this information, a majority of patients never seek help for their addictions. This can mainly be attributed to the social stigma that persists around drug addicts, which pins the blame firmly on the users and fails to account for other factors, like genetics, socioeconomic status, and pre-existing conditions like chronic pain and mental health disorders. There is also a lack of access to trained professional help or rehabilitation facilities, like reputed drug rehabs in Austin.

Drug use amongst youths aged 12 to 18 is on the rise. This may be due to a variety of factors, ranging from increased access to drugs owing to the availability of the internet and social media, as well to the glorification of drug use in media. A lack of education about the harms that drugs can cause can also be related to this rise.

Reasons for teenage drug use

Peer pressure or the desire to fit in with their social circle can be the primary factor that causes many teens to use drugs. Given that this developmental period is characterized by an awareness of one’s peers and social circle, it comes as no surprise that many teens use drugs to impress their friends or for validation.

Drugs could also be a social norm for some teenagers at parties and gatherings, especially if their immediate circle of friends is users as well. Some teens use drugs as a means of social navigation.

Being a teenager means having to deal with a lot of changes physically and socially. Some teens could turn to drugs to ease the pain and stress of dealing with these changes, which could include loss, divorce, being at a new school, etc. Teens who suffer from mental health issues, such as depression and anxiety could turn to drugs as a means of self-medicating. While this may relieve the symptoms of the disease, it does not address the root of the problems. A lack of education about the dangers of drugs or about the availability of help, such as drug detox Austin, could also be a factor.

Related post: What Are The Risks and Side Effects of OTC Drug Abuse?

What are the signs?

The signs that your teenager is using drugs can be varied, depending on the substance, but some common signs include:

  • Changes to their speech patterns
  • Red or Bloodshot eyes
  • A persistent cough
  • Dilated or constricted pupils
  • Changes to their appetite
  • Changes to their energy levels
  • Decreased performance at school
  • Secretiveness

If your child is suffering from a substance abuse disorder, seeking professional help is the best step. Although it might be tempting to manage the symptoms by yourself, managing the symptoms of detox with professional help, such as Briarwood Detox in Austin TX, can prove difficult.

Treatment for Alcohol Abuse Disorder is Possible

Combining alcohol with acetaminophen can lead to unintentional and sometimes severe side effects. If you find yourself questioning your own or a loved one’s alcohol usage and are concerned about health issues it may be causing, support is available. Please call Briarwood Detox today at (512) 262-4426 or contact us online.


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